Tuesday, April 13, 2021


I still remember the first time I had crepes. I spent the night over at a friend's house and that morning her dad made them. They were so good. Since then I became gluten free and asked her dad for the recipe. So here it is.

6 eggs
1½ C flour
2 C milk
1 tsp salt
1 Tbsp powder sugar
2 tsp vanilla
Toppings of choice

1. Mix all the ingredients together. You can use a blender.
2. Warm up a 6 to 8 inch pan
3. Coat the bottom of the pan in butter so batter will not stick
4. Pour a little batter and swirl it. 
5. Wait until it starts to bubble then flip it.
6. Wait a little bit then remove from pan.
7. Repet steps 3-6 until batter is gone
8. Put topping on and roll them up.
9. Enjoy

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