This is my perfect mashed potatoes. Cooked the same way my family does. Sadly there isn't a lot of measurements. So I can't just be like you need 3 cups of milk. It all depends on your potatoes. I'll try to measure the best I can while I'm doing this. Might need less or more depending on serving size and taste. Rule of thumb from my dad "if your serving others don't over do it. They can add more butter or seasoning."
What you will need
*Bowl you are serving your potatoes in
*potatoes (I used 15 this time)
*milk (1 1/2 c. it's what I put in. Probably should have done less)
*butter (about 6 Tbs)
*sour cream (about 3 Tbs)
*chives ( 3 )
*garlic salt ( about 5 tsp)
* regular salt
* big pot
* cutting board and knife
* peeler
* potato masher
* rinse the potatoes and peel them
* cut them in quarters
*place in bowl. bowl will be your measurement so you know when you have enough potatoes
* repet as many times as needed
* fill big pot will 2/3 the amount of water
* add salt
* boil water
* carefully add potatoes
* cover and reduce heat
* cook 15 to 17 min
* add potatoes back into bowl
* mash potatoes
* add milk and butter
* chop chives and add to potatoes
* add garlic salt
* stir
* taste check
* add more ingredients if necessary and repet step above as needed
* serve
* enjoy :)